In Deluzian terms the structure underlying these utterances is clearly an analogy and the
"... digitized structure of the utterance...But the very point the image is replaced by an utterance, the image is given a false appearance and...movement is taken away from it."
Erin: I see the associations Deleuze is making here. Could you comment in relation to this animation?

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1 comment:
What an amazing work! I didn't know it. What I see in this animation is the sense of surplus of the collapse on the thinnest of horizontal planes. One of the things Deleuze is getting at with the focus on aberrant movement is the way the direct time-image resists the verticality (hierarchy) of imposed linkages (the organic image). I think you're onto something really interesting here as regards the complexity of surfaces. Toward the middle of the animation, there is a real sense of collapse - as you say - into the hors-champ. Also very interesting in regard to the more-than of narration/representation Deleuze is evoking in the Time-Image.
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