Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Close-up bites

Nadine Gordimer

Andrew Wyeth
I just received a link to a site/film/book/process presentation called Wisdom which has some very interesting portraits of "celebrities" at http://www.wisdombook.org/
The director/photographer, Andrew Zuckerman, http://www.andrewzuckerman.com/ comes from the nether-world of advertising where he does some fast-shutter speed pics of animals and of various objects/products exploding. The Grey Goose Vodka video with slo-mo pours and air bubbles through vodka on ice was kinda nice.
Zuckerman gives a good interview in the making-of video of Wisdom and the various portraits are quite interesting. Although most of the celebrities presented are not part of my firmament of star celebrities, the portraits present a stillness that I have not seen in portraits by Avedon, Newman, Bourque-White, Penn, Arbus or Liebowitz. The portraits are the antimatter of Weegee's crowd shots. Not all the portraits have this "still" quality about them, but the ones that seem to exude it (to my eye) would be: Dave Brubeck, Zbeniew Brzezinski (though it is more distant), Dr. Terrence FitzGerald, Frank Gehry, Dr. Jane Goodall, Nadine Gordimer, Henry Kissinger, Willie Nelson, Michael Parkinson, Helen Suzman, Andrew Wyeth.
The portraits seem to be part of a different tradition than what we conceive today as a head shot. They mix Avedon's white background portaits with romanticized 1930's portraiture: the informality of Avedon travels inside while exhibiting a romanticism devoid of passion, as if the face conveyed their individual process of spatializing ideas but without the ideas.
Traditionally, it is contended that the eyes are the mirrors of the soul, but the framing would seem to argue for a different stance: Zuckerman would have it happen on the bridge of the nose and parts of the cheeks! The framing gives undue weight to the lower part of the face--and though usually this means below the nose, in these images it would mean everyting below the eyes. The eyes are relegated to the back-seat as the face is presented as a whole rather than as a association of provileged parts. There is something going on between the nose and eyes that makes you look at the face in its entirety. It's as if Zuckerman tries to decenter the gaze and force you to see the face as a totality. In the way that we would pull out features from the background, i.e. she has a stong chin or he has soft eyes, the face conflates the individual features into a whole that metaphorically exudes their take on life. If I say that metaphor is the process by which concepts are spatialized, it could mean that these images of faces individually impose intervals and duration whose particular time signatures would be stamped on these faces. I don't know what they are thinking, but I feel like I might have an idea as to how they process the world... perhaps this is why I look so puzzled and bewildered in photographs? Peace out. Felix
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Anime and Games: transcending style and time in the east
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
expérience = substance

Dans Le Bergsonisme, Gilles Deleuze affirme que, pour Bergson,
la « durée pure » est « changement » qui est la substance même, la
« donnée immédiate » d’un devenir qui dure. Mais de quoi est-elle faite, cette substance ? En cherchant dans mon coffre à trésors jamesien, il me vient à l’esprit que la substance à partir de laquelle tout se compose n’est ni plus ni moins que « l’expérience ».
La « durée pure » est encore une « multiplicité hétérogène », précise-t-il. Et cette multiplicité est virtuelle, et aussi continue, et surtout irréductible au nombre. Le seul nombre pouvant être considéré est l’unicité à laquelle se réfère le multiple, soit l’individualité dans le cadre duquel ce dernier se réalise, me dis-je.
Le multiple doit donc se référer à tout ce qui compose la substance que l’on vient d’appeler expérience, soit toutes les lignes de convergeance qui guident l'expérience vers elle-même, centre de son propre univers.
L’expérience respire : elle inspire affect et expire émotion. Elle est ce vers quoi culmine le multiple et ce qui façonne l’unique.
La durée pure pourrait ainsi être confondue avec ce souffle de vie virtuel : une quantité qualitative qui cadre l'expérience pour la projetter vers l'accomplissement de son plein potentiel.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Abstract Space
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Len Lye - sculpture animée tangible

Relating to Rhythm
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thought and Cinema//And Readings for Thursday
In case any of you are interested further in thinking about that Deleuze chapter from the Time-Image- I can email you my second chapter of my thesis that directly responds to that concept of thought or thought's outside. Let me know, I would love some feedback.
Also, Stamatia will have photocopies of the readings ready for tomorrow afternoon. Please go by Erin's mail box and pick them up there, like last time, if you're having trouble opening up the attachments.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Opening Ceremonies
Many of the concepts from Erin’s ‘Animation’s Dance’ piece reminded me of how movement was expressed during this year’s Olympic opening ceremonies in Beijing. Thousands of bodies worked in unison to convey a range of thoughts, emotions and symbolism. Our perception was toyed with and tested by the range of bodies as they manipulated time, rhythm and space, and their movements constructed and deconstructed various positions and forms. Similar to McLaren’s work, “We do not actually see the interval but we do feel its force as it unfolds into the perception of movement moving” (Manning, 1). During the performances of the opening ceremonies movement was experienced like a ripple in a wave, the viewer was unable to process the meaning in its entirety until every body had contributed to shaping the virtual idea. Watching these performers was to experience the interval take form, which in turn expressed a thought in motion. Like Pas de Deux, movement in the opening ceremonies, “is felt not in a pose but in its experiential taking form across time and space” (Manning, 2). Often times the amazing part of the performance wasn’t the final position or thought but how they were able to create it through their range of motion. The choreography was simply unfathomable, and despite of its enormous scale I felt they were able to use extremely complex movements to convey an inviting and visually stunning display of beauty and tranquility.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ballplayer: What's a solipsist, remind me.
Senator: I believe that only I exist. All the rest of you exist only in my imagination.
Ballplayer: (laughs) That's stupid. I exist.
Senator: Sure you do, but only in my head.
Ballplayer: OK, if we only exist in your head then how come we were here last night without you?
Senator: You weren't.
Ballplayer: Bullshit. We were here before you arrived even.
Senator: Prove it.
Ballplayer: If I don't exist how come I'm arguing?
Senator: I like to argue.
Ballplayer: [...] Right, let me tell you something. I ain't with you and I still exist!
Senator: Prove it. [...] You're nothing!
Ballplayer: [...] I do thousand of things when you ain't around. I drink coffee, I screw around, I go to movies...
Senator: No you don't, I only think you do.
Ballplayer: What about everyone else?
Senator: All in here.
Ballplayer: What about everyone who lived before you, everyone who's dead?
Senator: I killed 'em.
Alors, pensez-vous n'être qu'une fiction imaginé par autrui ou, êtes-vous le créateur de ce que vous voyez ou, vous ne croyez pas qu'une personne seule peut être responsable de l'existence du monde? Après tout, si l'on peut croire que les choses existent seulement lorsqu'on est en contact avec elles, pourquoi les gens qui nous entourent ne feraient-ils pas partie de cette grande illusion?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Past can't be touch, but memory can touch you...
If I link this particularity of this film to our blog, it is because I believe that the thinker that we have seen don't talk about physical temporality or movement. They are using those terms in a much larger meaning. For me, Wong Kar Wai push the meaning of time and movement further than a lot of director in In the mood for love -- he don't want us to remember what is happening but to remember the feeling of it; the feeling that we have felt while watching it, and the feeling we sees been felt by the characters of the film.
Après avoir distingué deux systèmes d'images, les images invariables dans l'univers et les images variables dans la perception, ou en d'autres termes les images actuelles de la matière et les images virtuelles de la perception, Bergson ajoute un troisième terme au problème du passage entre la matière et la perception: l'affection. Notre corps ne pouvant être confondu à un point mathématique dans l'espace, la perception ne peut être uniquement comprise comme relevant d'une action virtuelle soustrayant et isolant des aspects particuliers à partir des images-matière (Bergson, 59). À cette perception se mêle l'affection, aux actions virtuelles se mêlent des actions réelles. Et cette affection survient, nous dit Bergson, lorsque l'objet et le corps coïncide, lorsque le corps devient lui-même l'objet à percevoir et l'objet perçu.
Le passage de Bergson sur la distance entre le corps et l'objet, sur l'intervalle entre la matière et la perception et sur l'affection comme une «perception toute spéciale» survenant lorsque cette distance ou cet intervalle est effacé m'a fait penser au film d'Antonioni Le désert rouge. J'ai vu ce film il y a déjà un certain temps mais j'ai un souvenir précis d'une scène où le personnage jouée par Monica Vitti est comme prise au piège dans une pièce, où les murs semblent vouloir se refermer sur elle. L'atténuation progressive de la distance entre l'objet et le corps du personnage représente ici clairement l'imminence d'un danger et lorsque Monica Vitti est finalement acculé dans un coin de la pièce, surgit un moment où la perception n'est plus simplement une soustraction du monde, un moment où une certaine puissance se dégage de la perception. Si, tout au long du film, le personnage de Monica Vitti est souvent comme en aplat par rapport au monde qui l'entoure, incapable de s'y fondre, soudainement, dans cette scène, la désolation de ce monde l'atteint dans son corps même.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Relation and Truth: Marey, then and now
Though, in the scientific community, as well as in the social sphere in general, this view would seem obvious and banal, I am always frustrated at the self-imposed perceptual limitations that the scientific paradigm promotes. Generalities are stated as obvious and unquestioned givens accepted as fact.
For example, considering the "defective capacity of our senses for discovering truths" (Marey in Braun 1992: 12-13) would seem to suggest as a given that a camera lens or microscope is superior to our senses. The fact that we can't "see" as effectively as a camera, makes me wonder if the camera thinks it is inferior due to it's inability to autonomously decide when or where to shut its eye. I understand that it is difficult to think outside the dominant paradigm of the times, but sometimes also wonder if it is even possible.
In the times (or places) where the religious paradigm (as opposed the scientific of today) ruled and all knowledge was measured up against concepts of God it was similar. In fact we still have the moral remnants of those paradigms even though the dominant mode of thought is now a scientific one. Just the concepts of good and evil are enough to show us that with or without the ageless battle between God and Satan, we could still believe in the anthropomorphic spirit of their essence.
What is interesting in Erin Manning's piece is what is afforded due to the change in times and shift in dominant paradigm. Being able to see Marey's work in a new light doesn't change what what was done, but allows a new creation to be born of it. This would seem implausible (or perhaps undesirable) if the scientific view was strictly upheld. If there where truths that needed discovering, divorced from their relations to "imperfect" tools for measurement (human senses) then it would stand that something could be true or not. There would be nothing to learn from the various inter-relations that we start to discover in Marey's work and which take expanded importance when viewed in new contexts, such as those Manning proposes.
Already we can intuitively understand that everything is based on relations to other things; that nothing exists in a vacuum. Yet, when discussing just about any subject, from religion to politics, art or television, we seem to always revert to a simple subject-object machine that allows for simple communication and closed systems which in turn lend themselves to the formation of easy truths.
"We see not an object but its activity of relation" (Manning). One can't help but wonder if observations or concepts such as this are the result or the cause of investigations such as those undertaken by Marey. One, also can't help but wonder what would come if we took this paradigm of "relations" to heart when observing the so-called givens of our social, moral and political world? Easy answers that just feel "true" might give way to the type of creative discoveries that Marrey's experiments have concerning movement and perception.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Duration Actualized
There is other without there being several; number exists only potentially. In other words, the subjective, or duration, is the virtual. To be more precise, it is the virtual insofar as it is actualized, in the course of being actualized is inseparable from the moment of actualization.” (Deleuze 42).
After yesterday’s discussion about duration I found myself wondering about the various components of the concept (multiplicity, possibility vs. potential, intuition etc.) and how these topics can be applied cinematically. Would it be wrong to say that duration might be a part of the documentary filmmaking process? For example, if a director had more or less shaped an idea about what they wanted the film to be about without actually pinning down the specifics? He or she would have rented the equipment, assembled the crew, and traveled to the location where they would hope to capture some footage that co aligned with an idea that had not yet actualized. It would be possible for them to record something (whatever happened to spring up) but the potential of what might happen could not begin to be imagined. Hypothetically the filmmaker’s intuition could play a role in what they filmed and how they locate their subject matter. Is this analogy too simplistic? Can duration be realized in a classical narrative sense (or is the concept bigger then that)? I think I understand how duration works in a cosmic/virtual sense… I am just curious about exploring more concrete examples that can better illustrate what Bergson and Deleuze were talking about.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Éric Rohmer et Faust

the evolution of montage

As a still photographer my initial attraction to the work of Eisenstein is strong framing and composition. A constant reminder of the edge of the frame.
Stark and gothic, born more of the evolution of still photography than cinema.
Tarkovsky identified this difference and tried to break the frame, extend it outside the edges and place the anticipation of the unseen into the consciousness of the viewer. In other words, Tarkovsky identified framing as only one element in cinema that needed to evolve from his early Russian predecessors. Tarkovsky achieves this via the use of rhythm, which is not possible with the still image. In another sense Tarkovsky hoped to heighten the sensibilities of the viewer so that we become acutely aware that there is always something seething at the edge. And at that edge, before what comes next is fully revealed, is the movement-image and time-image merged.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Le Réalisme de Tarkovski
André Bazin voyait l’utilisation de longs plans comme étant plus réaliste que la tradition du montage puisqu’elle offre une représentation du temps conforme à notre réalité. Elle ne manipule pas le temps entre chaque plan par la coupure apportée par le montage. Néanmoins, cette scène de L’Enfance d’Ivan remet nettement en question cette notion de réalisme. Le plan décrit ici ne dure que quelques secondes pour le spectateur, mais il permet à Tarkovski de sauter dans un autre lieu et de revenir à une autre époque. Lorsque Tarkovski affirme que ce qui compte au cinéma est la façon dont le temps s’écoule dans chaque plan, c’est que pour lui, le temps tel que nous le percevons chaque jour, la chronologie et la succession des minutes n’ont tout simplement pas d’importance au cinéma. C'est une toute autre temporalité qui s'y déploie.
Two Questions on Bergson's definition of the "objective"
Objectiver le temps subjectif

“If one compares cinema with such time-based arts as, say, ballet or music,
cinema stands out as giving time visible, real form.
Once recorded on film, the phenomenon is there, given and immutable,
even when the time is intensely subjective.”
Andrey Tarkovsky, Sculpting Time (Knopf, 1986), p.118.
Voici un instant. Quelconque. Des bulles de savon qui se promènent au gré du vent, immortalisées sur bande vidéo. Plan-séquence qui part du néant vers l’infini. Lors du visionnement, qu’est-ce qui ressortira du cadre pour venir chercher le spectateur?
Une image est une porte. Un passage vers un monde. Une fois en contact avec le spectateur, l’auteur s’efface et l’image acquiert vie propre, devient véhicule d’un sentiment. Objectif, l’appellerait Suzanne Langer. Déjà Tarkovski, c’est de « vérité absolue » qu’il parle. Pour lui, l’image exprime et incarne la vie elle-même ; c’est dans la mesure que l’image s’étend au-delà du film pour atteindre multiples aspects de la vie, qu’elle est vraie, qu'elle rayonne et vibre de son propre temps, son rythme. Dans la façon dont le temps est exprimé, l’auteur vient chercher le spectateur pour l’allier à ce sentiment objectivé à travers le rythme inculqué dans le plan.
Mais chaque fois que la même image est jouée, elle sera différente pour moi car chaque fois elle résonnera dans un espace différent. Le mien. Son rythme vibrera dans mon intérieur dans un instant différent. Alors, si un temps subjectif peut être objectivé à travers l’art cinématographique, le sentiment objectif exprimé, lui, s’élance vers l’infiniment possible.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Plans-séquence, suite...
Dans Still Orang-Outans, je crois avoir perçu la coupure, la pause de la caméra. Si je crois l’avoir perçu, c’est que je n’en ai pas la certitude, en tout cas du côté du mouvement de la caméra. Ce qui me met la puce à l’oreille est la question du temps, car la première moitié du film se déroule le jour, et que soudainement, au sortir d’un personnage, il fait nuit dehors. Ma vision offre alors une preuve irréfutable, mais ma perception, elle, cherche en vain à se remémorer le mouvement qui pourrait expliquer le bris. Si l’on me demande si je l’ai perçu, je me dois de dire oui, ayant eu la preuve du bris dans le temps. Mais l’ais-je vraiment perçu , au niveau du mouvement? L’ais-je plutôt imaginé, ou vu ? Ainsi, je me demande : notre perception concorde-t-elle avec la réalité ? La dépasse-t-elle ? La devance-t-elle ?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Here's the link to a pdf of Bergsonism by GD. Enjoy!
Regards, Felix
File will remain active for: 7 days until 08.11.10
Link to file: